Title: Find out the Truth

Author: Raychell68
Disclaimer: None of character belong to me. All are property of WB and Jason Katims, well, except for the character Jennifer.
Category: Other, Everyone but main focus Liz.
Rating: PG
Part: 23
Summary: Liz finds out she is more important to the Pod Squad than she realizes.
Spoilers: What might happen with the death of Alex being predicted
Authors Notes: This is my first fan fiction, so, I welcome feed back.

Everyone arrives at Jennifer's dorm in record time. Since, its Sunday the dorms are pretty deserted. Jennifer leads the Pod Squad to her dorm room when she enters she notices something...the box that she received from Roswell is missing. "It's not here," Jennifer says looking around the room frantically looking for the missing box.

"What do you mean its not here," Michael says gruffly.

"What I just said its not here," Jennifer starts to say. "I remember getting my mail and placing the box on top of my desk before leaving for the computer lab. Now, there is nothing on my desk.

Liz walks up to Jennifer. "Are you sure you put in on your desk...maybe you placed it somewhere else or are you sure you didn't take it with you?"

Shaking her head, "No, I am positive I left it right here!" Jennifer bangs her hand against the desk in frustration knowing someone has been in her room.

"Okay, why don't we just look around. I am sure it is here somewhere," Max says trying to calm the girl down. Everyone spreads out to start searching the room for the mysterious box. Just then there is a knock at the door, and the door begins to open. Everyone turns around to look at whoever is coming in. Everyone gasps in shock when they see Nicolas. Nicolas is not alone either. With him are two other skins and they are all holding some sort of weapon in their hands.

"Is this what you are looking for," Nicolas holds up an open empty box. "No, it must be this." Nicolas holds up a disk. Everyone gasps as they see Nicolas has the disk. The disk that holds their future.

"Nicolas," Jennifer begins to say. "I should have known it was you. Give me that disk."

"Oh, Jennifer it is nice to you again," Nicolas taunts. "You should really lock your door when leaving for the night. It was way to easy entering here. Now, I can see this disk seems pretty important to you and I can't seem to figured out why...oh, now, I know you must be trying to translate that book of yours. "

Max jaw tightens, "Nicolas, what do you want?"

Nicolas laughs at how Max is starting to get upset. "Want? I don't want anything...oh, wait. I do. I want the book and our lovely Princess over there." Nicolas points to Liz. Liz takes a step back and step towards Max. Max moves in front of her. "Princess, there is no need to be scared. All you have to do is come with me and everyone else can go free."

"Like hell will she go with you," Max states angrily. "You will have to kill me first." Michael watches what is happening and is about to do something. He lifts his hand but before he can do anything one of the weapons are fired stunning Michael's arm.

"Michael," yells Maria rushing over to Michael. The stinging in Michael arm is slowly disappearing, but he is unable to lift it.

"Now Michael do you really think you could have just waved your hand and you would all be free," Nicolas sneered. "Now that was just a stun but we can and will kill you if you do what I say. Princess, you will come with us, and you will tell us where the book is...or else everyone in this room will die. It is your choice.

Liz looks around the room. She will not put anyone in danger if she can help it. She lowers her head and steps out in front of Max. "Okay, I will go with you and lead you to the book."

"NO!" Max yells pulling at Liz. He turns her around and looks at her. "You are not going anywhere with him. I almost lost you once. I WILL NOT lose you again."

Liz looks at Max with tears in her eyes. Her heart breaking. She just got Max back and now she was being torn away from him again. "Max, I don't want to do this, but we have no other choice we are cornered here. There is no way out. This is the only way...Nicolas, I will go with you but I want you to let everyone go first.

Everyone moves toward Liz to try and convince her not to go. "Liz, you can't go. I won't let you go," Tess says not wanting to give her up so soon.

"Yeah, Liz, you can't leave with Nicolas. We don't know what he has planned for you," Michael says feeling protective of Liz. Everyone nods trying to telling Liz the same thing.

"Tick-tock! Look, you come with us now or we just kill you all." Nicolas says impatiently.

Liz steps away from everyone and turns to look at them. "Look, you guys there is nothing we can do here. I have to go. It would kill me if anything happened to any of you, especially if I knew I could have done something about it."

Liz turns away from her friends and starts to walk towards Nicolas, but just then Tess grabs her. "I can't let you go. You will die again and I can't lose you not now when I just learned you are my sister," Tess cries.

"Fine you can't let her go," Nicolas sneers. "We will help you let her go." Nicolas aims his weapon at Tess and fires it. Jennifer sees this and pushes Liz and Tess out of the way, and gets hit in the process.

Everyone is stunned at what just happened. Liz bends down to check on Jennifer, but its too late Jennifer is dead. "Princess, this is your last chance. You come with us now or everyone dies like Jennifer here." After hearing that Liz gets up and walks towards Nicolas while everyone watches in dismay. "Good, choice. You guys won't mind if we leave first...we wouldn't want any of you to follow us."

Nicolas and his associates along with Liz start to walk out the door backwards making sure no on follows them or tries anything. After they are all out of the door Nicolas closes it, and seals it so no one can escape.

Max and Michael both rush to the door to open it but it won't budge. "What do we do now," Maria shrieks. Outside the door they hear a scuffle and a scream then foot steps running away. All of a sudden the door burst open. Max, Michael, Kyle, just stare at who enters. Maria faints.

"Alex?" Isabel whispers. Alex comes through the door carrying Liz in his arms.
